Early Intervention Success: How Physical Therapy for Infants Can Make a Difference

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You might have heard that pediatric physical therapists can help kids with developmental and health challenges, but did you know that physical therapy can be just as beneficial (if not more so) for infants?

The first twelve months of a child’s life are critical for development, and this is a critical phase that lays the foundation for their future well-being. Though we often associate physical therapy as a modality for helping teens and adults recover from injury, pediatric physical therapy in NJ can also be beneficial for young children and infants.

This article explores the game-changing role that physical therapists have for an infant.

The Importance of Physical Therapy for Infants

As the saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and a physical therapist can be the first person who identifies a developmental delay or other challenge. In addition to addressing potential roadblocks in a child’s life, physical therapy can also be incredibly beneficial for keeping development on track, and even enhancing it.

The following list outlines some of the many reasons why parents seek physical therapy for young children, especially infants.

Motor Skills and Mobility

The first year of life is when children tend to hit a lot of major motor-related milestones. It’s during a child’s first 12 months that they learn the following:

  • Raising
  • Holding up the head
  • Rolling over
  • Reaching
  • Sitting independently
  • Walking

While there are best practices for parents to follow, like allowing tummy time and providing gently guided challenges, a physical therapist may be an option if there’s even a hint of a motor skill delay. By consulting with a physical therapist during your child’s first months of life, you can set the stage for improved coordination and mobility.

Sensory Integration and Processing

Closely related to motor skills and coordination are sensory integration and processing skills. In short, sensory integration and processing describes the way we use our senses (like sight, sound, hearing, etc.) to interpret the plethora of information around us and react with an appropriate motor response.

Without the right sensory integration and processing skills, the world can feel like a scary and overwhelming place. Sensory processing issues can manifest as hyper or hyposensitivity or difficulty formulating a response to certain stimuli.

Physical therapy has emerged as a transformative intervention that can address both immediate concerns about your child’s ability to engage in effective sensory integration and processing as well as lay the groundwork for long-term sensory processing success.

Reduce or Prevent Developmental Delays

Left undiagnosed and treated, a seemingly minor delay can soon become a major setback in your child’s development. Physical therapists are specially trained to notice the signs and identify a custom plan of therapy to increase your infant’s chance of having a favorable outcome.

Developmental delays can come in many forms, including:

  • Motor skills
  • Speech and language
  • Cognitive abilities
  • Social and emotional development

Working with a physical therapist can result in early identification of risk factors and customized intervention plans that include motor skills development and help with sensory integration.

Decrease Long-Term Care Costs

Like any medical challenge, delaying treatment or failing to address the root cause can exacerbate the condition. As a result, it can be more difficult, expensive, and invasive to treat it. While every parent wants to ensure their children have the best long-term outcome possible, cost is also another consideration.

Physical therapy for infants can be instrumental in addressing an issue early. In turn, there is a higher probability of preventing more severe (and expensive) problems from developing later in life.

Physical Therapy for Infants: It’s Never Too Early To Start

Our entire staff is dedicated to helping your child live a full and satisfying life that allows them to reach their true potential. Contact Exchange Physical Therapy Group today to learn more about the benefits of pediatric physical therapy, or schedule an appointment at one of our convenient locations.